Quality Audit Tools

Quality Audit Tools

Torque measurement is paramount for many manufacturers. Simply running a fastener or bolt down until it’s snug and tight and assuming the torque control process is complete, is no longer sufficient. Measuring torque doesn’t stop once the assembly process is complete. As part of the overall quality control process, manufacturers should include a “Torque Auditing” program. A method to detect loose fasteners or any signs of joint relaxation. Torque auditing validates the fastening process, the torque tool, the product design and the materials used for the application.

The precise control of torque is a key to quality assembly and can ensure that products perform as expected. A single fastener, inaccurately or incorrectly tightened, can lead to the failure of a product, which impacts the bottom line. In many cases, companies spend a great deal of time and money for disposal or repair of damaged parts during assembly, the result of improper torquing